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How To Fix iPhone Playing Music By Itself

Have you ever had the unsettling experience of your iPhone starting to play music on its own without your intervention? It can be particularly annoying and confusing in calm settings or during meetings. There are a number of potential causes for this problem, from hardware problems to software bugs. Thankfully, there are a few troubleshooting techniques you can use to solve this issue. We’ll walk you through some practical fixes for when your iPhone starts playing music on its own in this tutorial. 

Why Does My Phone Play Music By Itself?

These are a few explanations for why music may suddenly start playing on your phone. 

Music Player in the background

There is a music player app on your phone that is operating in the background, which explains why music is playing on its own. 

 Apps that play music include YouTube Music, Deezer, Pandora, Spotify, Apple Music, and Tidal. 

 If any of the aforementioned apps or those of a similar nature are not properly closed, that is, removed from the App drawer, your phone may begin to play music on its own.

Open Music on the web

Your phone may be playing music on its own if there is an open tab in your browser. 

 Generally, if you find video advertisements on a website and fail to properly close them, there’s a chance that your phone will start playing music at random.

Software problem

Additionally, using an outdated software version on your phone presents a number of difficult little problems. One of them is the music that your phone plays at random. 

 This is only one of many technical problems that alert you to the urgent need for a software update for your phone. Please update it as soon as possible.

App issue

This could occur if your music streaming app is also out of date because the old version’s flaws or technical issues could be the reason your phone is playing music on its own. 


The notifications you receive may be the reason your phone is playing music on its own. 

 Alerts known as notifications serve to alert you to the presence of an app on your phone or to the fact that you have received a call or message. 

 Every app has a unique sound for its notifications. Some might only be a beep, while others might be a jiggle or a brief musical excerpt. Your phone will thus start playing music anytime you receive a notice.

Voice command

It’s also possible that your phone is playing music on its own if you have voice command assistance enabled, such as Google Assistant, Alexa, Cortana, or Siri. 

 Despite being extremely powerful artificial intelligence software, these programmes may nevertheless randomly start playing music on your device.


There is malware or a virus on your phone. A virus is a type of harmful programme whose primary objective is to cause havoc with your device’s software components. 

 It accomplishes this by using up phone storage, interfering with apps, and occasionally playing random music on your device.

Bluetooth speaker

Last but not least, if your phone is linked to an external output device—wired or wireless—through a Bluetooth connection, music will start playing instantly. 

 Speakers, earphones, AirPods, headphones, and earpieces are a few examples of this. Your mobile device may accidentally start playing music when these external devices are linked to it.

How To Fix Phone Playing Music By Itself

When you notice that your phone is playing music on its own, follow these steps. 

Fix 1: Update your device and apps

Update your device and programmes to the most recent versions, since the reason your phone is playing music on its own can be due to an old device or music-playing apps. 

 Fixes for the technical issues and faults that lead your phone to play music on its own can be found in device and app updates.

Fix 2: Clean Ports

Another approach to get your phone to stop playing music on its own is to clean the earphone socket or headphones. 

 You can clean the jack—the port into which your earpiece or headphones are inserted—by using a toothpick or an alcohol-soaked cotton swab to remove particles and hair.

Fix 3: Change Notification Sounds

Determine which applications’ default notification sound is music. 

 Await the random music to start playing on your phone, then quickly find out what app it is. 

 Go to the app’s Settings and select a regular sound alert instead of the music notification.

Fix 4: Close Background apps

You may want to look at the open apps that are operating in the background if your phone is playing music on its own. 

 The only method to properly end an application is to close it from the app drawer. To remove an app from your App Drawer, simply access the recently opened section on your phone and swipe up or down. 

 This should prevent certain apps that play music from starting up and starting to play music at random. 

 As an alternative, you’ll need to take the control panel’s [Quick Settings] show music control off. Put the control away, pause the music, and exit the application.

Fix 5: Anti-virus

You can be confident that viruses that are harming your mobile device are being defeated by installing an antivirus programme. 

 Avast and Antivirus are just two of the several antivirus apps available for mobile devices. All viruses on your devices will be eliminated and removed by antivirus software.


It’s strange that your phone is playing music on its own; this should be corrected as soon as possible. A few consequences may result from this, including battery drain. 

 More information about fixing your phone when it starts playing music on its own and the reasons behind it may be found in this article.


How do I get my phone to stop playing music at random?

You might try turning off auto play on your phone to avoid it from playing music at random. Press the auto play button located in the right up corner of your screen to switch it on or off.

Why does my phone start playing music on its own?

Your app player is operating in the background, which is why your phone keeps playing music. The automatic music playback on your phone can be stopped by manually closing the app.

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